About Us

Welcome to the website of the Jaguar Drivers’ Club of Canberra (JDCC).

JDCC was formed in 1971 for the benefit of Jaguar enthusiasts across the Canberra Region.  We currently have about 75 members and conduct a general meeting on the first Tuesday of each month (except January) where visitors and prospective new members are welcome to attend.

The Club has regular social events both during the week and at week-ends and each year, we participate in ‘Terribly British Day’ where we have a large display of Jaguars among other British makes.  Each year there is a Jaguar National Rally hosted on a State rotational basis.  JDCC is a member of the Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs.

Membership benefits

  • Monthly meetings where you can socialise with other like minded Jaguar people
  • Receive a copy of the club’s monthly magazine The Cat’s Whiskers in digital format and advertise any cars or parts for sale or wanted to purchase
  • Many members that can assist with Jaguar ownership issues and technical information
  • Resources include Club tools available for borrowing and an extensive library of Jaguar related books, manuals and dvds
  • Family friendly environment

Aims & Objectives

  1. To further interest in motoring and motor sport
  2. To facilitate and assist in bringing together and keeping in touch owners of Jaguar cars.
  3. To promote enthusiasm among owners of these cars
  4. To render technical advice where possible
  5. To promote events for Club members and Jaguar cars

Disclaimer:  Due to insurance, registration and licensing requirements the club and its members are unable to provide wedding cars or hire cars.